This presentation will introduce statistics on the vaping epidemic and share education on the harmful effects that vaping has on our youth.

Guest Speaker: Kevin Ramirez, Youth ESD Prevention Project Coordinator, Hawai‘i Public Health Institute

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare national, state and local Hawai’i youth vaping rates
  • Educate the public on the potential health impacts of youth vaping
  • Address the recent changes in ESD technology that increase the vulnerability of youth to ESD use and nicotine addiction
  • Examine current resources that exist for youth vaping cessation

CE Information:  1.5 CECH for CHES

Disclosures:  There are no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Skill Level: Beginner
CHES Event ID#: PM99036_04242020
Category 1 Credits: 1.5
Continuing Competency Credits: 1.5
Advanced Credits: 0
Activity #: 155376
Performance Indicators: 12.2.4, 12.4.4, 9.4.4
RD Total Credits: 1.5
Level 1: No
Level 2: Yes
Level 3: No
Primary Tier: Tier One
Primary Domain: Public Health Sciences Skills
Secondary Domain: Data Analytics and Assessment Skills