California AHEC Scholars Program Logo

Welcome to the AHEC Scholars Program!  

This introduction provides the necessary information to get you started with the Scholar’s Curriculum.  If at any time you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your local center director or AHEC Scholars Coordinator.  

Your AHEC center director will serve as an adviser for your experience, assisting you with clinical placements, identifying community resources, convening fellow students, and certifying your completion of the program.

The program is made up of 40 hours of didactic, 40 hours of clinical per year, and a community project. 

If you are a one-year scholar, please enroll in the course below titled "California AHEC Scholars (One-Year)."
If you are a two-year scholar, please enroll in the course below titled "California AHEC Scholars (Two-Year)."

If you are unsure if you are a one-year scholar or two-year scholar please check with your center director or refer to your Welcome Letter sent to you via email. 

Didactic curriculum requirements

The didactic curriculum modules, case studies, and webinars, to be completed as directed by your center director, over the one or two years of your program, spending 40 hours each year with the selected materials. Read/view the required materials. At the end of each module, you will be required to participate in a discussion board, please write one post of at least 250 words as well as respond to two of your peers, at least 100 words each. If your school and/or center director provides instruction in these areas already, consult with your center director as to how to receive credit for this work in lieu of some curriculum content.

Nine online modules:

      • Quality Improvement in Primary Care
      • Leadership and Advocacy
      • Community Engagement
      • Patient-Centered Medical Home
      • The Medical Neighborhood
      • Patient Engagement
      • Team-Based Care in Primary Care
      • Health Care Reform in the Community
      • Work-Life Balance

Case studies and Webinars

In addition to the hours of work in the modules, other requirements include completing four Case Studies per year, and one Webinar per year (listed as required in the module). 

First year: Ethnic Considerations in Primary Care for Elders is required
Second year, Intervening in the Opioid Epidemic in the US is required.

Clinical requirements

You will be complete 40 hours of clinical experience in a community clinic or other under-served site approved by your Center Director i per year.  These hours can be satisfied by a combination of clinical training which is part of your school’s curriculum. Please review your clinical placement with your center director.  

Community Project
You will arrange with the community clinic and center director to conduct a community project.  The community project should be coordinated with your clinic preceptor and center director and can be conducted in collaboration with other students or students, especially as an interdisciplinary group. Each student must complete at least 10 hours of a community project per length in the program. Please refer to the course material for more information. 

Once you have completed the entire curriculum, clinical hours, community project, and program evaluation survey, you will receive a Certificate of Completion  as an AHEC Scholar in Community Health from the California Statewide AHEC Program endorsed by the California Primary Care Association.  You will receive a stipend after successful completion of the required 40 hours of didactic and 40 hours of clinical for each year of participation. 

Again, if you need any assistance while in the program, please feel free to reach out to your local center director or AHEC Scholars Coordinator.
Thank you for your interest in the AHEC Scholars Program and we look forward to working with you.   

California AHEC Program Office
Shelby Fallas
AHEC Scholars & Student Coordinator

Skill Level: Beginner
Level 1: No
Level 2: No
Level 3: No
Skill Level: Beginner
Level 1: No
Level 2: No
Level 3: No
Primary Tier: Tier Three
Primary Domain: Health Equity Skills
Skill Level: Beginner
Level 1: No
Level 2: No
Level 3: No
Skill Level: Beginner
Level 1: No
Level 2: No
Level 3: No

Clinician burnout is a national problem affecting both clinicians and health professions students and has worsened with heightened demands from the 2022-23 confluence of RSV, influenza, and COVID infections.

Working with our 12 AHEC centers and national experts at the Institute for Professional Worklife, Hennepin Healthcare, we have developed a burnout prevention and resiliency program that will be available to the AHEC centers’ educational and clinical partners in medically underserved sites, including practicing clinicians, medical residents, and AHEC Scholars student.

Skill Level: Beginner
Level 1: No
Level 2: No
Level 3: No