Community Directed Diabetes Program are a central part of the fight
against type 2 diabetes in many native communities. These programs,
funded by the IHS Special Diabetes Project for Indians (SDPI), provide diabetes
prevention and management services that address the needs of their communities,
and oftentimes use innovative ways to encourage healthier eating, physical
activity, and lifestyle habits in their communities. In this presentation we
will review some of the nutrition related activities offered by Tucson Area
SDPI diabetes programs, most specifically, those from the Tohono O’odham
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the diabetes program in the Tucson area
- Describe successful nutrition related activities of these programs, specifically those at the Tohono O’odham Nation diabetes program
- Identify resources available to all diabetes programs
- Discuss how to implement these tools in various settings
Target Audience: Dietitians, Educators/ Trainers, Nurses, Policy/ Planner, Social Workers, Public Health
Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s): Tier Two – Analytical/ Assessment Skills, Communication Skills, Cultural Competency Skills, Community Dimensions of Practice Skills, Public Health Sciences Skills, Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
Duration: ~ 1 hour
Continuing Education Information: 1.0 CECH
CHES Provider number: 99036
Disclosures: The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest
Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study
Created/Updated: 12/13/2016
Author(s): LCDR Dolores Addison