Enrollment options

This training will explore how the Pandemic has impacted alcohol consumption nationally and locally, and how the alcohol landscape has changed in ways that increase the potential for alcohol-related consequences in our community.  The training will explore how alcohol has become more readily available during COVID-19, and ways local prevention programs and community coalitions are adapting their strategies to prevent alcohol use and its associated harms during the Pandemic.  Participants will also learn new ways they can get involved in their local communities to support prevention efforts. 

Continuing Education:  1.5 CECH for CHES

Skill Level: Beginner
CHES Event ID#: PM99036_02192021
Category 1 Credits: 1.5
Continuing Competency Credits: 1.5
Advanced Credits: 0
Activity #: 161399
Performance Indicators: 12.1.3, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.4
RD Total Credits: expired
Level 1: No
Level 2: Yes
Level 3: No
Primary Tier: Tier One
Secondary Tier: Tier Two
Primary Domain: Public Health Sciences Skills
Secondary Domain: Policy Development and Program Planning Skills
Self enrollment (Student)